Oh look at us, happily strolling through a field of flowers. Don’t we look like we have it all together? In reality, I’m super allergic to flowers. Not to mention tree pollen and all the grasses. This field would make me swell like a puffer fish. But it surrrrre looks pretty.

That’s the thing about parenting a disabled child (FYI: Disabled is not a bad or offensive word), sometimes we share only the pretty “inspo” bits. But, we all know life isn’t a bed of roses. Or in this case, giant orangey photoshopped flowers.

The community we’re building here is about sharing it ALL—the heart-happy achievements, along with the “this is hard/scary/frustrating/I’m not sure what I’m doing” moments.

Avery, despite some challenging bits, is living aVERY bright life. Yes, that’s where the website name came from. It’s not a typo. Though be warned, there are plenty of those here.

If you love a child with physical, intellectual and/or developmental disabilities, this is a friendly and inclusive space for families, friends and advocates to share and learn from one another. We invite you to follow along—on the blog and the podcast. We’re so happy you’re here!

Life’s so bright, gotta wear shades.

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Stair Scare

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