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We hosted a puppy party before Covid hit and it was off the chain. Literally. There were dogs running free all over the yard and in my kitchen.
As a staff writer for a popular parenting website, I went by the handle “Party Mummy.” My beat was all things entertainment. I wrote about kids’ parties, adult parties—some reeeeeally adult parties like a passion party, an unforgettable (for my husband at least) vasectomy dinner party, and an array of “let your hair down and whoop it up” parties.
I was attending or hosting some kind of festivity at least once a week. Since Covid though, I’ve been about as social as an introverted mime librarian in solitary confinement. My party balloons are limp and deflated.
However, when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. And if you’re up for a challenge, you might serve that lemonade (and a dish of water) at a dog party!
Cat person instead? Host a kitty hangout! I’m calling it a ‘hangout’ instead of a party because cats are casual like that. Sadly, Avery’s tabby was recently diagnosed with feline diabetes so no cake for him.
In case you missed it, we shared a post about how to host a dog wedding. No, seriously. You can check it out and watch the video of the bow wow vows and wedding party HERE.
Wedding too fancy for ya?
Host a low key pet party instead
*Puppy pants optional

Looking for create some furrific fun for the kids? Ya, I said furrific. You want to slap me in the muzzle now, don’t you? Canine times out of ten my dog puns cause a furry fury.
Sorry. That mutt have been a bit ruff to read and possibly a mastiff waste of time. Sorry. Haha. Okay, I’ll paws the pup puns.
We invited a few friends over who have small dogs to help celebrate. I wanted to send out a “Let’s Party Doggy Style!” evite, but this was a kids’ party. But, obviously so tempting.
Four doguests were regrettably unable to attend. One was away on vacay. One was too old and tired to bother. One doesn’t play well with small dogs (aka prey). And one ate something she shouldn’t have and had a bad case of the doggy trots.
Our cat Kevin was invited but he spent the majority of the party hiding and/or hissing for no reason.

Back to the party. This one is SO easy you could plan, prepare and host it while wearing one of those cones of shame.
Pawsitively Perfect Party Must-Haves:
MUSIC — we made a pawsome playlist with such canine classics as “Who Let the Dogs Out”, “Dogs Days Are Over” and “Hound Dog.” (Who Let the Dogs Out is now an infuriating earworm.)
DOG SNACKS—water and dog treats. Dogs will eat pretty much anything. I love that in a guest.

PEOPLE SNACKS—chips because they are a party staple (and by party I mean life), hot DOGS, puppy punch (doesn’t matter what’s in it, just call it puppy punch and you’re winning) and pupcakes. Obviously.

When I came up with the name “pupcakes” I knew I was the cleverest hostess ever. But, assembling this hot mess took me down a few pegs. A drunk blindfolded baby monkey could’ve done better, so I invite you to try YOUR paw at these. They can’t possibly be worse than these puppies.
Ingredients: cupcakes (or drive-thru Starbucks muffins purchased 10 minutes before the party. I kid you not), homemade icing (As If! Totes Duncan Hines.), candy eyes, Bear Claw cookies cut into a circle for the muzzle and crescents for ears, a nasal Chipit, and an upside-down confetti heart sprinkle for the tongue.
I tried to sculpt an icing mouth with a toothpick, but failed. But, the dogs were aesthetically oblivious, and the kids didn’t seem to mind that these treats looked like the dog’s breakfast. They ate them without complaint. I think I even heard them say, “Bone-appetit” and “Oh my dog these are good!”
Yappy barkday Ruby!!
Now that you’re a big girl, I hope you’ll stop sneak-pooping in the basement and yapping every time you hear a noise. Like, any noise.
And in answer to the burning question, “Who let the dogs out?”
I did. Several times. I didn’t want party guests peeing on the rug
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